Tianshi 3
By Monkey King
Tianshi is the modern day reincarnation of Kuan Yin with one thousand arms. Her outfit is very much western whereas her mindset is eternely eastern. Her motherly compassion, empathy and love for fellow human beings radiates from her lotus eyes.
Her thousand arms are ever in action, an arm paints beautiful pictures of the world, another plays a set of drums for orchestra, her hands and legs move gracefully while dancing like a pro, she drives racing cars just for fun, when she waves her hand like a symphony conductor, her ships start sailing across the silk routes of China.
She embraces her man with her one thousand hands like a tender climber grape vine and offers her mind body soul and showers her abundant love and affection on him. Her sharp eyes seldom fails to note his slightest inclination to another woman beyond her devotion to him. Watch out guys, Tianshi is good at Taekwondo too!
She has developed strong muscles by constant workouts in gym, just it needs a pair of red gloves in her hands to knock him down for his misbehavior, but she won't rush to do it because she is a good woman, a forgiving forgetting fairy.
Let us see some general information here. Like the ying yang, day and night, male female attraction is the vital force behind procreation not only in human beings, but also in birds and animals.
Except humans, in all other spices the male has mane or any other beautification to attract and court his female partner. Also their union is seasonal and feasible for a specific period. In humans, its the reverse and its the female that stands distinctly beautiful and attractive. Their union is possible in all seasons and for all reasons sexual physical mental intellectual to platonic levels.
She had 3 million eggs as a fetus, reducing to 1 million at the time of her birth. The eggs are in hibernation until her puberty at ten. She still has 300,000 eggs in tact now and sheds an egg a month periodically, waiting to be fertilized for beautiful babies to come out. She is like a golden egg to break from inside for good. This egg can never be broken from outside, it hurts so much beware!
He is a child until 15 attaining his puberty in style. After that every day is his periods capable of releasing a whooping 500 million sperms in a single union. Looking at another girl is his birth defect, the life of a man was short in the past in jungles and wars, he needs to seed before he is gone for good. At the same time, it is no justification for him to cheat on his angel anytime.
Men women their relationship both sexual asexual has been a subject for legends and puranas across the religions and races. There was a Rama who was the faithful husband to single wife sita, took her to forest, lost her to Ravana, rescued her to put her chastity under test by asking her to walk through fire.
There was a Krishna who mesmerized girls with his loving looks and playing the musical flute, living with eachone of them simultaneously to keep his every girl in a blissful paradise.
Now coming to Tianshi's doubt, if it is possible a man who is not her biological father to be her father in faith and action? The answer is, yes it is possible after his male menopause. Until then, let him be your friend, your companion for exchanging love, unconditional and unassuming and expecting nothing in return.
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